#6 by Sharon Hilga – Review

Great job. Great friends. Great life.
This is the sum of Ida Moreno’s life until an attacker in the middle of the night robs her of body and, in the process, ends her life.
But the story is far from over as Moreno, no longer body and all soul, watches her final moments, follows her attacker, and sets out for blood, determined to get justice for her rape and murder .
Hilga’s #6 is a mystery, but so much more. This work is in a class by itself. I’m almost certain I’ve never read anything like #6 before.
She combines elements of the paranormal with suspense to create a thriller that pulls at that heart’s strings and sets that same heart to beating like crazy.
Anyone who loves mysteries or suspense with a touch of something different won’t be disappointed.
I certainly wasn’t.
Awesome body of work!

Learn more about Sharon at the following links: 

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/19430470-number-6?ac=1
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1QRLaVU

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/sharon.higa.3

Twitter: https://twitter.com/elf126

Website: leapingunicornliterary.com

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